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Autistic children looked to the sea for the first time thanks to Rebuy Stars

  • Prague
  • 03.08.2018

When you say autism, most of us imagine the famed movie Rain Man with Dustin Hoffman. These people are, in fact, all around us, and often they and their families have a difficult life destiny. In layman's terms, autism is a developmental mental disability with abnormal social perception, recurring habits in everyday behaviour, a problem with communication with surroundings. Different forms of autism can manifest themselves, which greatly limit the individual and, unfortunately, even through society, often distance them from ordinary life.


As part of the Autism Foundation, we met Mr. Miklos Csémy, who, with his mistress, set up a endowment fund and is himself the parent of an autistic child. Based on consultations, we decided to support a mom with two kids who both have Asperger's syndrome. This family has been through many tragedies in their lives, so we are pleased with the message we received upon the family's return from their first holiday together at the seaside.

"Thank you very much to the Rebuy Stars for the gift. It was my first time at the seaside with the kids. We all had a great time. The children were finding out if the sea was really salty. The trip to Venice was really wonderful, even though the kids are having a great time. Thanks again, we couldn't have made the trip without you."                                                       

Trachtova Vendula, mother of two aspergers

We are very pleased to convey this fine experience, which many of us consider to be perfectly normal.

Finally, we come up with a story full of power and vision that miracles happen:

This story from the United States began in 1947. There was a little girl born in a family they named Temple Grandin. At 3.5 years old, she was still not speaking and lagging behind in her behaviour. A doctor diagnosed her with childhood schizophrenia (very little was known about autism then, autism was confirmed in 1956) and recommended that her mother be institutionalized. How did it go?

Temple Grandin is now almost 71 years old, working as a respected expert with America's largest meatpacking plants, farms, companies such as McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, holding several patents. She lectures at the University of Colorado, is the author of more than a dozen books on autism and livestock production, is the most famous person living with autism, and is actively involved in autism research and awareness, working with the world's best universities. She was the subject of an autobiographical film by HBO that won 7 Emmy Awards and a Golden Globe. None of this would have happened if her Harvard graduate mom had respected the doctor's opinion, deferred to the force of the label. This little girl would have lived her whole life in an institution, locked between four walls.

Fear not and come with us to create a better world!



